International Life

International Life

Isca is connected to a worldwide community of brothers and sisters in Christ. Through the missionary work our church family members we have links with Brazil, France, Belgium, Romania, India, Italy, Uganda and Buffalo (USA). 

We support God’s calling for these faithful couples and individuals by visiting them to bring encouragement, by giving finances and resources and through the power of prayer.

Ben and Ruth Tagg : Buffalo, USA

Ben and Ruth run Steps Ministries which is a dynamic, family-based ministry, dedicated to urban impact through both teaching and living the principles of Jesus.

Steps Ministries is a Christian community dedicated to living simply and proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ. 

Ben says: “We are committed to the apostles’ teaching, prayer and fellowship. Our goal is to reach those who have not been reached by the traditional church. Our outreach is designed to transcend cultural boundaries by being expressed through our ordinary lives.”

Ben grew up in Isca and we’re delighted to support Steps and even more delighted when he visits us!

 Ben, in green t-shirt and Ruth, grey t-shirt are pictured right with their amazing team.

Sharon Church Medical Camps in action

Sharon Church : Hyderabad, India

Isca Church has been privileged over some years to have contacts with Sharon Church in HB Colony, Hyderabad. 

Sharon Church, led by Pastor Zechariah has three congregations in that area and a good number of us have visited over the years, helping with evangelistic outreach, teaching in the churches, being involved with the children’s and youth work.

We have also helped initiate and finance ‘Medical Camps’, where free medical help is offered, prayer is also offered at the same time. 

Alongside this is the ‘Saving Sight’ initiative, where, as above an optician attends, and glasses dispensed. 

We have been so blessed by them, as we have seen numbers come to faith, some healings, and many having real encounters with God.


Isca Church has a long-standing friendship with Bethlehem Evangelical Church and their children’s home, ‘Haven of Hope’, based in Lipova in western Romania.  

We have sent and received teams regularly over the past 20 plus years to help with running children’s holiday clubs, building projects, attending conferences and ministering together in each other’s settings.

In addition we have sent several teams, roughly every three years, to a small town called Calafindesti in north-eastern Romania, helping to run children’s holiday clubs with friends from Lipova and locals from the Baptist church. 

These summer clubs involve dramatisations of Bible stories, energetic worship songs, outside games and creative activities; always finishing with ice cream! Over the years these trips have yielded much fruit in that children who grew up attending these clubs are now involved in running them each summer on their own initiative.

We are mindful that Paul’s missionary journeys were about introducing people to Jesus, then deepening relationships with believers through visits and letters, serving together in different situations.  And so any trips to or from Romania are very much based on friendship and the pursuit of God’s Kingdom together.

Isca Church family visiting our Romanian church family